29 Aug 1945, R. E. Jones Wartime diary

Submitted by Admin on Tue, 06/30/2015 - 17:56

Showery, S wind.

Plane [draws little symbol of circle with line thro’ and dot in centre] white gave us a few thrills during am.

Rigged enclosure around flagstaffs.

Twin-engined bomber [another little symbol, a star with 2 lines] –white dropped supplies to us during the aft. Everyone thrilled to death almost.

Supply vessels anchored S. of us.

Japs supplied, 2 Fandosis [?], toilet paper, 5 boxes matches & a pencil.

Rained all evening.

Walked in the Hall with G & V. Conditions most inconvenient but ∴

Orders dropped by plane told Jap Surrender reps. to either board ship & make position E on Tamkow Is [?] or allow planes to land & take them off from Kai Tak to Harcourts rendezvous.

Hill & Fordham suspended. ((Probably fellow Prison Officers, F N Hill, and L J Fordham.))

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