List of people executed on 29th October, 1943

Submitted by David on Sat, 05/16/2015 - 14:26

The following list shows the people who have a page on Gwulo, and who died on 29th October, 1943. This was the day that the Japanese executed over 30 people on the beach at Stanley.

Brian has more details about these people and the day's events at:

print views_embed_view('list_of_person','page_3', '1943-10-29');

//$view_args = array('1943-10-29'); //Date
//$view_name = 'list_of_person'; //name of view

//$view = views_get_view($view_name);
//if (!empty($view)) {
// echo $view->execute_display('default', $view_args);

Book / Document
Date(s) of events described