Donald John BOYD [????- ]

Submitted by emride on
Donald John



BOYD, DONALD JOHN, Capt (T/Major), RIASC    

“This officer was appointed i/c Accounts Section BAAG in December 1943.  This was a post of great responsibility dealing as it did with large sums for administration, operations and relief purposes;  the position was further complicated by the fact that our organisation was spread over the whole of south Chins with extreme differences in living costs existing between the various posts and the equitable and just distribution of finances demanded organising ability of an extremely high order.

In addition to these already onerous duties, during the evacua­tion from Kweilin, he was in charge of the advance party sent to set up new HQs at Nantan.  This was followed by successive moves to Ishan, Tushan, Kweiyang and Kunming.  In each move Major Boyd was responsible for all his records, Chinese staff and their dependants as well as those of the members of the China Unit.  The region was in total chaos with hundred of thousands of Chinese refugees fleeing in front of the enemy advance;  food and accommodation were almost impossible to get anywhere.  After some months of these hardships HQs was at length established in safety at Kunming and the success of this operation, so essential to the continual performance of our operational role, was in a great measure due to the cheerful, efficient and energetic manner in which Major Boyd attacked this thankless and unspectacular task”