Mount Austin Mansions [????-????]

Submitted by David on
Current condition
Demolished / No longer exists

Martin Booth's residence up on the Peak (his family was in Block A).

Today's google map shows the area is now known as 'The Mount Austin', and consists of several house, blocks of flats, and a clubhouse. If you want to relive Booth's time on the Peak, I see a 1200 sq. ft. flat in the development is available to rent for $55K a month.

It must be a new development, as my 1999 street map still shows the four blocks A-D of Mount Austin Mansions.

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I used to live here in 'E' block in1970 and 1974 to 1976. I loved living here. It was married quarters then. In1970 I went to school at St George's. The Military School in Kowloon. I used to catch the Peak Tram, mini bus, Star Ferry and coach to school snd reverse home. Great memories of a wonderful life in HK.

The living room, my parents' room and my bedroom all had views over the popsie man who parked below on the corner of Mount Austin Rd and then we looked down on to Pok Fu Lam reservoir, the buildings and out to Lamma Island. The other Royal Naval married quarters were slightly further up the hill and looked over the harbour. I used to babysit in this block and would sit and watch the harbour below. I have to say though, I preferred the view from our apartment over Pok Fu Lam. It was especially beautiful as the mists hung over the hillside. I loved living in our apartment. The RN only had two blocks. Our one and the one further up the hill. 

I used to go to school at St George's in Kowloon in early 1970. I would get Peak Tram down then an RN mini bus (tilley) to Star Ferry, Star Ferry across then an Army coach to school. This was reversed in the afternoon. My brothers, in our later time there, were bussed to school as the tunnel was then built.