Cheuk-ming YAN (aka BAAG No. 71.ii / James Kim) [????-1943]

Submitted by emride on
Alias / nickname
BAAG No. 71.ii / James Kim
Cause of death
Executed by the Japanese

BAAG Roll of Honour.


Extract from Japanesse Court Martial:

“ Yan Cheuk Ming was employed as a clerk in the harbour department by the former Hongkong Government and was a section leader in the Reserve Police Force.  After the fall of Hongkong he worked as the manager of a building firm.  About April 42, he attended a meeting of former members of the Reserve Police Force  held by Tso Tsun On and after Tso Tsun On had gone into the interior for consultations with the British organization in the interior, he agreed.  He then collected funds to help carry on their activities, and in March 1943, he illegally went to the British organization in Waichow and reported on conditions in Hongkong.  From April to June of the same year, on five or six occasions, he received documents from the British organisation in Shiu Kwan (Kukong) via the British organization at Waichow for transmission Capt Ford and Lieut Grey in Shamshuipo POW Camp, and to Colonel Newnham in the Kowloon Fort POW Camp.  He employed the POW Camp truck drivers Lee Lam and Lee Hung Hoi and others to deliver these messages and to bring out replies.  In this way, he strove to maintain liaison between the British organization and the POW Camps.”

Executed by the Japnese on 29th October 1943.
