Man-kai HUI (aka BAAG No. 26) [1916- ]

Submitted by emride on
Alias / nickname
BAAG No. 26
Birthplace (country)
Hong Kong



Extract from the entry for Hui Man-kai in the BAAG Personnel Register, Ride Collection:

Nationality, Chinese-British; 13.2.16 Hongkong; confidential Clerk to Adjutant HKVDC; BAAG 28.5.42 – 31 12 45.   

“For some years up till the surrender of Hongkong Mr Hui was on the clerical staff of the HKVDC.  After the capitulation he refused to work for the enemy and made good his escape to Free China with a view to continuing his services for the Crown.  In May 1942 he joined the BAAG and up till 31 Dec. 45, Mr. Hui was the confidential clerk of the Commandant.  Under ordinary circumstances, this would have warranted the appointment of a P.A. officer status, but as this was not possible under the circumstances, this highly confidential work – TOP SECRET matters of both operations and policy, intelligence reports of high international level – was entrusted to Mr. Hui.  Surrounded as we were by agents of many nationalities trying to penetrate our organisation, this placed a responsibility on Mr. Hui far in advance of that which he should normally have had to shoulder.  Never once throughout his long service was this confidence ever found to be misplaced.

Mr. Hui not only carried out his secretarial duties with utmost efficiency, but he did so often under the most trying and primitive conditions and for extremely long hours with complete indifference to the effect the strain may have had on his health.

This is an outstanding example of most exemplary devotion to duty and loyal and conscientious service in the Allied cause.”

(signed) L T Ride, Colonel.  1946.