Hermann LILIENTHAL [1858-????]

Submitted by isioux on
Birthplace (country)
Hong Kong

I am looking for any information on my grandfather, Hermann Lilienthal born HK 1858 and his parents.  He left HK at age 16, arriving Boston USA 25 May 1874 with no parents.  The only clue to his parents is Chronicle and Directory for China etc. 1872 , H Lilienthal listed at China Suger Refinery , East Point. My DNA would indicate that Hermann's mother was Asian. No Lilienthals in cemetery records, no Lilienthals in Juror Lists or Missionary listings. Older brother and younger sister all born Hong Kong, what was this family (probably German father) doing there?  Fresh ideas would be so welcomed !!!


There's no mention of the Lilienthal name in the Carl Smith cards either.

There's a marriage of a Albert William von Lilienthal in 1913, but that's a lot later so probably a different family:


This search shows several mentions of a company "Hecht, Lilienthal & Co." in Hong Kong in the 1870s, which might be connected:


Good luck with your search, and please let us know if you find out anything more.

Regards, David

Your grandfather, Hermann Lilienthal came to the United States in 1874 according to census records and attended Trinity College (Hartford CT) Class of 1886 (?).  He was ordained an Episcopal deacon in Middletown CT probably at the Berkeley Seminary.  He went on to become an Episcopal priest, served a parish in Wethersfield, CT (Trinity) and then went to New York where served at St. George's in Astoria Queens NYC.  Between 1915 and 1920, he changed his name to Herman Lilienthal Lonsdale (perhaps a nod to the area in Rhode Island where he stayed.)  He died August 16, 1940 and is buried at Cedar Hill Cemetery in Hartford. His wife's name is listed as either Ellen or Helen. He had three children Jane, John and Herman Jr. 

My interest in him stems from a sermon he preached at Christ Church Cathedral in 1902.  I am the archivist there and was scouring the internet for a biography of him and some explanation as to the various last names.   Your query has helped me sort out his early life.  You may reach me at <archivist@cccathedral.org>.