Fine day. Wind E.
Collected grass for drying & to help out the wood for water boiling which is now twice daily.
Battle for Paris began 25th Anglo-US forces about 140 mls from German border & German forces let down very badly in Rumania due to collapse of Rumanian resistance.
A few more words with Stevens re quiet hour. ((Is this the same person he usually calls "Steve"? Or is he referring to the family as a whole?))
We are allowed two Canteen purchases per month Y20 each as from 1st Sept.
PM roll-calls now fixed 7pm so all lectures, concerts etc. must now come to an end. Some think the new order due to fact that patriotic songs were played & sung last night, others that trouble is expected at anytime.
With Steve for ½ an hour.
This new roll-call routine makes the evening seem very long.
Damned hungry again.