George Colthurse VESEY [1859-1894]

Submitted by Admin on
George Colthurse
Cause of death

Patricia Lim's notes:

Vesey in charge of clearing programmes of 10 acres of Tai Ping Shan and moving 7,000 inhabitants

Posthumously awarded Gold Plague Medal

He was due for retirement.

born April 27th 1859

And grave details:

06---/05/47- illegibleCaptain George Colthurse Vesey/who died at Hong Kong/4th June 1894/illegible


Peter Suart writes:

I obtained Captain Vesey's (died in HK plague 1894) burial plot details from your site, and visited the cemetery. The office there also found a listing in their military burials file, Section 6, 5608, though the date of death differs slightly. The section is there, but there is no Vesey headstone or 5608 marker stone. Do you have any info? He was buried with the HK plague medal, so that at least must still be there.

Here's a photo of the gravestone from Patricia Lim's database, to help identify it:



Hello anyone interested in the Hong Kong Plague Medal

The one officer of the Shropshire Light Infantry Captain Geor Colthurst Vesey who died during the plague in Hong Kong was from Lucan Co Dublin Ireland.

It would be very interesting to confirm a previous post on this site that he was buried in Hong Kong.

There is a significan lecturn in our church here in Lucan that was dedicated to him. His immediate family died out in the early 1920s so there are no Vesey relatives left however his first cousins were/are the Colthursts who own Blarney Castle, I'm sure you have heard of Blarney Castle.

The earlier post was looking for a picture but sadly we don't have one either. Perhaps the Shropshire's might have one of those regimental portraits the army often have. I might try finding that out.

Regards to all

Suzanne Pegley

No and no Capt. George Vesey's medal did not go into the grave with him. It was sent to his mother, once they were issued, some time after the plague was delt over. I would have thought that the medals would have been distributed at least a year or more later.

Whoever started THAT rummor was being very irresponsible.
