William / Kwong-Sheung WONG (aka BAAG No. 46) [????-????]

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William / Kwong-Sheung
Alias / nickname
BAAG No. 46



Lawrence Tsui wrote:

William Wong (46) was a key member of Group B.  He was amongst the first to be arrested.  His family later alleged that he died from his torutre on his way to Wai Chow upon release.  Preston Wong stepped into William Wong's shoes voluntarily and started reporting to AHQ directly, indentifying himself as "PREST".  AHQ was not aware of him when first receiving his reports.  Preston Wong was also arrested and executed.

Elizabeth Ride commented:

Having read Lawrence Tsui's information about William Wong, I must either disagree, or say that there must be two William Wongs.  I have documents that show William Wong still active in the BAAG, although withdrawn from Hongkong, as late as 1944.

There was a suggestion some time ago that an agent by the name of William Wong was mentioned in a report circa June 1944, thereby throwing doubt over the story that Preston Wong stepped in to contact BAAG AHQ in Jan 1943 after Wiiliam Wong (No.46) died in 1942 (whatever circumstances not clear).  I believe that the other William Wong was Wong Lin-wan, referred to as "The Junk Owner".  There were a lot of planning using his junks for operations in the S.China coastal areas in those days.