Kai Tak Fire Station B [1974- ]

Submitted by 80sKid on
Current condition
Date completed

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one of a number that existed - this still in pretty decent shape located close to entrance of the new cruise terminal. Three vehicle bays. 

From EIA:
This fire station is located on the north-eastern side of the runway. A full photographic and cartographic survey was undertaken for the fire station (Chan 2004). It is a beam and column concrete structure with a vehicle maintenance bay in the ground floor garage. The external finish of the structure is mainly plaster and paint (Chan 2004). The plans for the construction of the fire station can be found in the PWD Contract for the Runway Extension at Kai Tak dating from 1970 and the station was constructed during this period along with the associated pier.

12.5.25 The fire station is also the site of an anemometer station of the Hong Kong Observatory, which was set up in 1998 after the airport closed (Hong Kong Observatory website). A 1:1000 scale map of the fire station can be found in Figure 12.11. From visual inspection the building appears to be in good condition.

12.5.26 A pier associated with Fire Station B is located just to the northwest of the fire station on the north-eastern side of the runway and a plan of the pier can be seen in Figure 12.11. The pier has flat cut stone flat sided supporting walls and concrete surface. It has a modern metal chain link fence around its perimeter. The plans for the construction of the pier can be found in the PWD contract for the Kai Tak Runway Extension that was undertaken in 1974 (PWDHK 1970) and the pier dates from this time. From visual inspection the pier appears to be in good condition.
