Cooling off

What: Part swimming pool, part bath, this was a popular spot on a hot summer's day.

Where: There's a pencil note on the back:

"Near Yaumati". So somewhere along the shoreline near Yau Ma Tei. 

It looks as though the photographer is on a pier. Does anyone recognise it?

Who: While most are swimming, this young man drew the short straw, and is left looking after their clothes:

Another non-swimmer is under cover on his sampan:

While this man stands out from the crowd, with his white clothes and topee:

I wonder if the photographer is his parent?

When: From the style of the photo, I guess sometime between 1920 and 1930.

Regards, David

Reference: A180C

Date picture taken


There is a spot that looks exactly like this I believe. Its been a year since I been back there. But, its in Whampoa Gardens and near the old Star Ferry Pier. Again, Im just thinking of the positioning of things and this could be on the other side versus the East side. 

Also, I have an a photo I took of a lookout shelter that sits high up along an old trail in Clear Water Bay Country Park. You do have one marked up North which you say is demolished. This one is still intact. But, its a bushwhacky trail to get to this one. There is a small manmade cave behind the shelter, too. 


Unfortunately any 1920s coastline near Whampoa Gardens has been lost to reclamation, so any similarity will be a coincidence.

Your photo of the lookout shelter sounds very interesting. Please could you let us have the link to it if it's online? Or you're welcome to post it here for us to see (how-to at

Regards, David