The Criterion Hotel, 98 & 100 Queen's Rd C. [c.1906-c.1914]

Submitted by David on
Current condition
Demolished / No longer exists
Date completed
(Day, Month, & Year are approximate.)
Date closed / demolished
(Day, Month, & Year are approximate.)

George Green ran the Criterion Hotel here in the 1900s. The Hotel was previously on Pottinger Street. He's mentioned in Government Notification No. 162 in 1914:


No. 162. - It is hereby notified that a meeting of the Licensing Board will be held in the Council Chamber on Wednesday 6th of May, 1914, at 2.15 p.m., for the purpose of considering the following applications under the Liquors Consolidation Ordinance, 1911:-

(1.) From one George Green for permission to remove the business now carried on by him under a Publican's Licence at Nos. 98 and 100 Queen's Road Central under the sign of "Criterion Hotel" to the New Travellers Hotel at No. 74 Queen's Road Central. The business after the removal will be carried on under the sign of the "Criterion Hotel".

(2.) From one Frederick Elliott Armstrong Martin for a Publican's Licence to sell by retial intoxicating liquors on the premises numbered 2, Pak Shui Wan, Shau Ki Wan Road, under the sign of the "Belle View Hotel".


Secretary to the Licensing Board. 


Photos that show this Place



The move from Pottinger Street to these premises probably happened in 1906.

The licensing sessions in November 1905 included an application from George Green for a Publican's license for the Criterion Hotel at 21 & 23 Pottinger Street. (Notification 768, Govt Gazette, 17 Nov 1905.)

The following year's sessions in November 1906 also included an application from George Green for a Publican's license for the Criterion Hotel, but at 98 & 100 Queen's Road Central. (Notification 950, Govt Gazette, 8 Nov 1906.)