Pillbox 207, Shui Chuen O [1937- ]

Submitted by Rob on
Current condition
Date completed

Year completed is: Approximate

Condition at last visit: Ruin

Date of last visit: Dec-1995

Ref: ROB-00534


Photos that show this Place



Dear Friends,


Re Rob Weir's visit to PB 207 in 1995.


My compaion and I bushwhacked Shui Chuen O yesterday and found no sight of the pillbox. I used coordinates 22.368821 114.203100 & N825517 E 838969.

Please advise accuracy and we look foward to another expedition soon.




Alexander Macdonald

Hi Alexander,

Sorry to hear you were unsuccessful at finding PB 207. Comparing my records against those you give would indicate you should have been adjacent it. I can only assume my record is inaccurate.

As a second method of approach, go to https://gwulo.com/comment/43929#15/22.3686/114.2032/Map_by_OSM-Markers/… There you will see a dotted path marked, leading downhill from Shui Cheun O passing the position marked for 207. This path was walkable when I was there, but I have no idea if it still exists. Not far after it passes 207 it joins with another path running roughly across it. In the area of the junction is a damaged concrete marker, without useful information remaining. At this point 207 is back towards Shui Cheun O a short distance, its entry trench starting on the right side of the path as you would be coming down. The PB is a short distance away, set into the surrounding hillside.

Should you eventually find it, please advise me of the position and I'll correct my figures.


P_20200403_PB207.jpg, by H.Lo

If not for that previous photo posted by another one , we might not be able to locate the pillbox, which was much higher than the yellow dot on the map. We followed a steep muddy path to a terrace below some cliffs, searching the area around without any trace. Then retraced our route back to the marker stone at the main dirt path for another search near the hilltop. Finally, it was found not too far down from the top.

Coordinates : 50QKK1197076297 alt 261m

22.368546, 114.2030834