George KOTWALL (aka BAAG No. 60.i) [????-1943]

Submitted by Admin on
Alias / nickname
BAAG No. 60.i
(Day is approximate.)
Cause of death
Executed by the Japanese



George Kotwall was a DBS student. There is a marble plaque outside the school hall which says "TO THE MEMORY OF THE OLD BOYS WHO GAVE THEIR LIVES IN THE SECOND WORLD WAR". On it was the name George Kotwall, and also James Kotwall (his brother?)

Hong Kong was under Japanese occupation during the time Dec 1941 - Aug 1945. So if George was executed in 1943, together with the above information, the time matches.

Henry Ching writes in his Occasional Paper #33 that George Kotwall was one of the people executed by the Japanese on 29th October, 1943. He also notes that Kotwall was an Old Boy of the Diocesan Boys' School, and "a private in No. 3 Company of the HKVDC who evaded capture and became an agent of the BAAG."


BAAG Roll of Honour.

Arrested by Endo on 21.4.1943, 0300 hrs, detected by Subar Din, to whom he delivered a letter to Ansari by mistake, and Iqbal.  Planning the escape of Ansari (by himself and #61 and #63), he attended a meeting of Indian Indepemdence League on 12th April 43, looking for Ansari.  He approached a moustachioed Indian, mistaking him for Ansari, and asked him to meet for tea at his home next day (13th) , bringing a friend.  Those present at this meeting: Kotwall and wife, Lau Kok Ping, Joseph Tsang (using false name Lee), Yeung Tak Yi,  and a relative of Kotwall, A Hing, and the two Indians Subar and Iqbal.  Lau and Yeung were suspicious and confronted the moustachioed Indian, who admitted he was not Ansri, but wished to escape themselves and help Ansari.  Arrangements were made to bring Ansari out.   On visiting Kotwall's house on 21st April, Joseph Tsang found something wrong and did not enter.  Later, Yeung tried to deliver some rice, but was turned away by gendarmes - the captives were held on the premises  while the gendarmes did a thorough search of the house   At 1700 hrs the prisoners were taken to Central Police Station, and Mrs Kotwall released.