Stanley Fort [c.1937- ]

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In use
Date completed
(Day, Month, & Year are approximate.)

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The construction of Stanley Fort is described in:

Author : R.G. Horsnell
Source : Journal of the Hong Kong Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society
  Vol. 38 (1998 ), 18 pages

Horsnell writes:

The present barracks on the Tytam Peninsula, known as Stanley Fort, were built in 1936 to replace the old 1840s barracks which had been abandoned about 1895 and fallen into ruin. A contract was given to a Chinese contractor on 11 June 1936 for the following buildings :

  • 1 Barrack Block

  • 1 Sergeant’s Mess

  • 1 Dining Room and Cookhouse

  • 1 Bath House

  • 1 Medical Inspection Room and a 2-Bed Ward

  • A Quarter for the Brigade Commander

  • 2 Blocks of Officer’s Quarters

  • 1 Block of 2 Warrant Officer’s Quarters

  • 1 Block of 12 Warrant Officer's Quarters

  • 1 Block of 12 Married Soldier’s Quarters

The work took about a year to complete and in 1937 a further building programme was initiated to provide additional accommodation, messes and a church. At the same time artillery defences were also being built.

Thanks to Kirsty for the link to this document.