Braemar Reservoir [1894-1975]

Submitted by David on
Current condition
Demolished / No longer exists
Date completed
Date closed / demolished

There are some notes about it on the Wikipedia Page for Choi Sai Woo Park.

I'm not sure of the date it changed from reservoir to park. In the book Mapping Hong Kong, the 1964 map (plate 3-6) shows it as "Braemar Reservoir", but the 1990 map (plate 3-7) shows it as "Choi Sai Woo Park", so sometime between those two dates.

Photos that show this Place



I went to the Go Home website to look up the buildings (…) and found that they were built in 1978.  Of course, there were many buildings to the site and the page only tells me of one particular flat, but we can surmise they were built around that time.  So the reservoir must have been drained a little earlier.  Mid-70s maybe.


Good work gents, in explaining the fate of Braemar Reservoir. A reminder if we needed it, how fast things can change in Hong Kong.

From mountainous remote and inaccessible reservoir in 1949 to residential development and public park by 1975.

Wikipedia states 'it was filled in by Li Ka Shing', which reads like he was out there with wheelbarrow and shovel himself...unlikely lets face it. His missus must have given him a hand, and brought him the odd cup of tea..

I wonder if the original dam wall is still there at least? A trip up there is on the cards in the near future.

Isn't it funny how one line of enquiry leads to another? 

Thanks again.


The quick change has not stopped since Mr. & Mrs. Li moved some earth up there in the 70s.  When I posted the link a few days ago, it quoted information on a flat on the market.  When I clicked it just now, that listing is gone!  The year it was built is nowhere to be found now.  So I guess we will have to go to the government official records for it.


I actually lived at the Braemar Hill Mansions when they were newly built.  I believe it was around 1977 at the time (I was only 5 years old then, but I recall living there for 5 years and moved out in 1982).  So it could have been that the later phases were completed by 1978, but the reservoir was definitely filled in by 1975-76 if not earlier (assuming it takes a couple years to build the apartments).

I took a trip there yesterday and found Dam No. 5; added pictures here. It looks like the park around it was redeveloped not so long ago but no one goes there, it's just some pointless paths - until you see this old beauty - rusting iron pipes and an imposing gateway with the company name and the year 1894 inscribed.

Braemar Reservoir - No. 5 Dam, by scottp

According to this wiki, the reservoir was filled in in 1977 when the Braemar hill mansions were built.…

A 華僑日報, 1975-12-13 news article about plan to build 12 blocks of apartments there ( Braemar hill mansions)

1975-12-13 plan to build apartments at Braemar Reservoir, by simtang

Therefore the date of filling the reservoir can't be in 1975.

The date of occupation of the mansions was Feb 1978. A reasonable date of fill-in should be 1977.…