30 Jun 1942, Chronology of Events Related to Stanley Civilian Internment Camp

Submitted by brian edgar on Thu, 06/07/2012 - 17:52

George Wright-Nooth's diary:

At 1800 hours the Asama Maru started on her voyage to Lourenco Marques...Before she set sail she gave several toots from her siren, with a final one of nine toots...(they) certainly did sound mournful and made me think of home. How far away it seems now.

Mr. and Mrs. Simpson have a boy, Douglas Robert.


The invoices for the Habade parcels received by Florence Robinson and her husband are made out today. As well as foodstuffs like jam, cocoa and Oxo, Mrs Robinson has chosen sunglasses, and a thermos flask, while her husband has opted for a toothbrush, toothpaste and a shaving stick.


Major Reynolds Condon, an American military attache in the process of being repatriated, will submit a report on the fighting and the occupation that gives a good idea of Hong Kong outside the camps:

As of June 30th, the Colony was a picture of desolation and despair, with food the primary thought of all strata of the population. Many deaths have occurred from starvation, with many more to come. Medicine stocks are very low, with no prospects of alleviation.


 Wright-Nooth: Wright-Nooth, Prisoner of the Turnip Heads, 1994, 99

Simpson: China Mail, September 15, 1945, page 3

Robinsons: Hong Kong Public Records Office, HKMS77-1

Condon report: http://www.canadianmilitaryhistory.ca/wp-content/uploads/2012/03/8-Macr…

Date(s) of events described