floral signage in the 1970s

Such 'floral signage' has been a traditional handicraft of Hong Kong locally. It has been widely used decoration at entrance of restaurant banquets, celebrations, festivals and newly open business etc. This craft and art have been vanishing.

In fact, this photo shows the same provision store on https://gwulo.com/media/25153, when it was newly opened at this junction. That is, some 40 years between them.

I think we may find more exquisite or artistic examples of such signage in photos from the old days.

Date picture taken
1972 (year is approximate)


The Hung Yuen Provision Store, a liquor store in Sheung Wan was established in 1972. See Company Profile. The photo may show the commencement of business of the store in 1972 at 32 Bonham Strand.

(Not sure of the tall white building under scaffolding at the rear is Central Mansion. The building was completed in 1975.)

The building at the back with the scaffolding should be Golden Valley Mansion on Caine Road. Next door (left) is Tai Shing Building.

Thanks gentlemen.

Golden Valley Mansion it is. The building was completed in early 1973 which confirms the date of the photograph to be 1972 and the opening of the business at Bonham Strand.