14 Oct 1936 Group photo with KCR Taipo Belle parlour railcar arrived at Tai Sha Tou Station

Photo captions: "Internal combustion engine motor coach of British section of this (Kowloon-Canton) railway carried the first trial run from Hong Kong to the province(Canton) on Oct 14, 25th year of the Republic of China(1936). The photo was taken upon arrival at Tai Sha Tou station."

Photo source: Canton-Kowloon Quarterly(廣九季刊) Volume 4, 1936. (National Library of China's Collection)



Date picture taken
14 Oct 1936


The people appearing in the photo may be some of the 17 persons who boarded the train, including:

KCR Staff

  • Mr. R.D. Walker, Manager and Chief engineer of Kowloon-Canton Railway British Section(KCR-BS).
  • Mr. J. Smith, Chief mechanical engineer of KCR-BS.



  • Mr. & Mrs. Eu Tong-sen 余東旋, Mr. Eu was the owner of Eu Yan Sang 余仁生, one of the biggest traditional Chinese medicine company in Asia.
  • Mr. Tang Shiu-kin 鄧肇堅, co-founder & chairman of Kowloon Motor Bus, and chairman of both Tong Hua Group of Hospitals and Po Leung Kuk.
  • Mr. Li Sing-kue 李星衢, founder of Hong Nin Savings Bank, and co-founder & director of Yaumati Ferry.
  • Mrs. Edwin Taylor, the wife of Colonial Treasurer of Hong Kong from 1931 to 1937.
  • Mrs. H. C. Hopkins, her husband Hubert Carew Hopkins(The son of F. J. Hopkins of Dawlish, Devon) was the manager of Chartered Bank of India, Australia and China.
  • Miss Brearley
  • Miss Reeves
  • Mr. Kemsley
  • Mrs. Thomson of Sydney, Australia
  • Mrs. Yeldham of Sydney, Australia
  • Miss V. Morris
  • Miss M. Taylor, may be a member of Treasurer's family
  • Master Eu, may be a member of Eu Tong-sen's family.
  • Miss Li, may be a member of Li Sing-kue's family.


Name list reference: "FAST TRIP TO CANTON: Taipo Belle Does Journey In Record Time K. C. R. PARLOUR RAIL CAR", South China Morning Post, 16 Oct 1936, p.3