Aberdeen Street facing north

Thu, 11/21/2024 - 18:21

Few old photos appeared to show this junction in the opposite direction in the public domain. 

This photo shows the other side of this junction, when looking north onto Wing Kut Street. A more complete, 360 degrees street view of this junction may be pictured in mind, without extraneous projection via AI. 

The famous Luk Yu Tea House (first generation) was at 6 Wing Kut Street, since the 1930s. The words 陸羽(茶) barely seen on the shop sign. [1]
The circular shop sign on its right told of Kowloon, Mongkok branch of the tea leaves shop at QRC.  So it was likely after mid 50's. This same shop is still at about the same location on QRC now; the current tall building contains the same street no. 155 before.

Several shop signs on either side of the stairway persisted into the 60's, they could be seen in other photos under this junction. e.g. https://gwulo.com/media/36775

The clothing and look of the people walked by appear more modern than a similar photo by H. Forman (c 1941 ??). [2] Rickshaw and motor car could be seen in above photo, probably of few years later.

[1] on left side of street, white characters on black, go vertically

      Luk Yu is the famous Tea 'Doctor', guru and author on Chinese tea in the Tang dynasty.

[2] in fact, on the UWM site, it also recorded that some Forman's photos on HK are with date between 1955 and 1956. 

Date picture taken


What a coincidence that the Pathé movie shared by annelisec one day after above contains a focused view of this, in colour.

In that master tape, starting 7'47", the shop house of that tea leaves shop at the corner of Wing Kut Street east side was clearly shown (link). The shop sign of Luk Yu could also be seen on its left. It was about 10 years after the above photo.