1924 - Two Gun Cohen attending Canton military funeral

Sat, 09/07/2024 - 11:36

Michael Alderton (essarem) notes that this image, which appears in: 2020 - Maj.Gen. M.A. 'Two-Gun' Cohen - a 496 page life chronology..jpg | Gwulo,  is one of Generalissimo Sun accompanied by his Adjutant General, Cohen, attending the funeral service for Russian General Pavlov.

An official July 18, 1924 communiqué issued by the Generalissimo’s Headquarters, Canton states: “General Pavel Pavlov, the Russian Army Group Commander who entered the service of Dr Sun Yat-sen, met his death in a drowning accident whilst visiting Sheklung on July 18. A public funeral has been ordered.

A July 25, 1924, report in the Hong Kong press reads: “Russian General’s Funeral. Canton’s Tributes. Impressive funeral services were held for the late General Pavlov who met his death while crossing the Sheklung River. The distinguished Russian soldier had been in the service of Dr Sun Yat-sen’s Government, and was on a visit to the Eastern Front. The memorial service was held at the Eastern Military Parade Ground yesterday morning. Among those present was M. Cohen.

Meanwhile, back in Edmonton, Canada, friends and associates of prominent local businessman, M.A. Cohen, were wondering: “What Has Become Of Morris Cohen Is Query Of His Friends. Alberta friends of Morris Cohen, erstwhile resident of Edmonton and now of Canton, are wondering what has happened to Morris. In Cohen’s performance is something akin to romance. For many years a resident of Edmonton he became somewhat of a factor with the local Chinese population there and, although a Londoner by birth, was elected to high office in the Chinese societies which have to do with the promotion of reform in China, and the collecting of finances for the maintenance of Dr Sun’s propaganda. Two years ago, at the invitation of high Chinese officials, he went to China and last heard of was reported in a dispatch of January which stated that he had been slated for the job of collector of customs for Dr Sun's government. His present whereabouts and circumstances are unknown to his Alberta friends.

Date picture taken
24 Jul 1924