cicely warren

Wed, 07/24/2024 - 20:29

Where was this photo taken? There appears to be a house in the distant background.  The photo shows Cicely Warren, wife of Leslie Warren and daughter-in-law of Charles Warren. I surmise that the photo was taken around Cicely's return to Hong Kong in September 1924 after a year's absence. Having only arrived in May 1923, Cicely had returned home to her family in England after Charles Warren's unexpected death in June 1923. The auctioning of The Towers and sale of all the contents meant that the newly married couple had nowhere to live and no possessions. By 1924, when he had been successfully running C.E. Warren & Co. Ltd. for over a year, Leslie had taken on a lease of the bungalow at 19 Broadwood Road belonging to the Rev. Webb-Anderson. This would be the couple's home until 1938. Cicely here appears thinner than in the previous 1923 photo taken of the couple at The Towers.

For comparison, here is a later photo taken after her first child was born in 1925.

Cicely&pram.JPG, by jill
Date picture taken
1924 (year is approximate)


Hi Jill, the background looks very English (or elsewhere in Europe), is there any possibility it was taken before she went to Hong Kong?


That thought had occurred to me, Phil. Cicely does look younger than the Hong Kong photos of her, although we don't have any other pre-Hong Kong photos of her. I had thought that the flat area might be near the racecourse, but you, of all people, would recognize the landscape. I agree that the house at the far righthand edge of the photo looks English. Cicely's family lived in Birmingham, of which I am ignorant, but this doesn't match my pre-conceived vision of it. If the photo doesn't fit Hong Kong, I'm perfectly prepared to accept that it must have been taken somewhere in England. Thank you for your opinion.