Japanese Soldiers of the 228 Battalion, 38 Regiment cross the Kwong Fuk Bridge.

Thu, 07/18/2024 - 16:18

Japanese soldiers of the 228 Battalion, 38 Regiment cross the Kwong Fuk Bridge (廣福橋) on the Lam Tsuen River (林村河) in Tai Po (大埔). Unlike other bridges in the New Territories, this one was not destroyed by the colony's defenders, allowing the Japanese to advance more rapidly on Kowloon.

Date picture taken
8 Dec 1941


Looking at the bottom right of the photo, the man leading the horse is wearing a wide-brimmed hat, a white scarf, and what appears to be civilian clothes. If you look at the centre of the photo, to the right of the signs, you notice more of these "irregulars" on the bridge. Would these be Wang Jing Wei collaborators, or just civilians paid/coerced to help with the logistical train?