Japanese National School - Hong Kong Shrine (香港神社)

Fri, 07/12/2024 - 17:30

Holy Tablet Reinstalled

THE "GOSHINTAI" (Holy Tablet) of the Hong Kong Shrine, in the compound of the Japanese National School, which was removed to Canton for safekeeping prior to the outbreak of the Greater East Asia War, was reinstalled yesterday. Mr. T. Eto, President of the Hong Kong Nippo, seen in the center, was the Master of Ceremonies at the function.

A solemn ceremony was held at the Japanese National School at Higashitaisho Dori, yesterday, when the School's Holy Tablet was reinstalled in its former position at the altar. 

Taken to Canton for safekeeping by Mr. S. Yano, former Japanese Consul-General in Hong Kong, shortly before the outbreak of the Greater East Asia War, the Holy Tablet was recently brought back to Hong Kong.

Mr. Toshihiko Eto acted as the Master of Ceremonies at the ceremony.

Source : Hong Kong News, 8 January, 1943

Date picture taken
16 Jan 1943
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