1935 View from Lyemun Barracks

Thu, 05/23/2024 - 13:46
Date picture taken


I have a feeling that the distant headland on the right is the one at the Easternmost side of the bay at Little Sai Wan - the one that we at RAF Little Sai Wan always referred to as The Point.  The photograph shows two white buildings(?) and they look to be in the right spot for the pre-war engine house and associated small accommodation(?) building connected with the Lyon Light shelter up on the ridge. On the first photograph below, part of one of those buildings is visible and another part is hidden behind the 1950s aerial mast bases on the second photograph.  If my suggestion is correct and if the date of 1935 on Moddsey's image is also correct  it would indicate that the Lyon Light was constructed well before the outbreak of World War II.  Any suggestions?

pre-war buildings
pre-war buildings, by Andrew Suddaby
Pre war buildings at the Point
Pre war buildings at the Point, by Andrew Suddaby

Interesting information, Andrew. Cannot confirm the actual date of the photograph but the photo decade is from the 1930s. I suspect late 1930s. 

Hi Moddsey.  I have asked Rob to check out this thread to see whether he has any thoughts.  Incidentally, since learning about the original purpose of the buildings down at the Point, I have been puzzled by the free-standing concrete stepladder leading up from them.  On my 1957/8 photograph  they look to be new and of the same vintage as the huge concrete aerial mast bases, but I don't think that the RAF would have had any need for them as they just led up the hillside - but their top would have led to the wartime zig zag path leading up to the Lyon Light shelter, not used in the 1950s..