rooftop apartment 98a wanchai road

C.E. Warren & Co. had bought 98A Wanchai Road from the Hong Kong Investment Co. in November 1911. The rooftop apartment would be the home of John Olson snr until he died in 1918. It is probable that Leslie and Arthur Warren also lived there after their father, Charles Warren died in 1923. The article was kindly sent to me by the Gwulo contributor who sent me the previous article about C.E. Warren & Co. in German. The above excerpt from the SCMP of 25 January, 1912 begins as follows:


Messrs. C.E. Warren & Co. building contractors and sanitary engineers who have consistently advertised in the “South China Morning Post” for years have shown remarkable development during the hard times which have been so generally experienced. Their brass works and tile factory at Wanchai have already outgrown their original quarters and handsome and commodious premises are now being built for them on a site in Wanchai recently purchased by this enterprising firm. The new building is on a home model quite distinct from any other structure in the colony. The firm’s tile factory is on the ground floor with entrance from the Praya....

Date picture taken
25 Jan 1912