Hong Kong Cemetery 1860

From the Photograph Album “China”, held at the University of Edingurgh. Attributed to  Lord Elgin, published between 1858-1864. Probably incorrectly attributed as it contains younger (end of the 1860s) photos.

The chapel seems to be under construction or repair. In this case, the photo could be much older (1840s)? Or repair works after a typhoon later? Any comments?

Update 2023-01-28

During the second half of the 1850s, the chapel was in a dilapidated state and needed a major refurbishment. In 1859 it was decided to do so, and it is believed the work was conducted in the year 1860 (source).

It is likely that the photo shows the chapel during refurbishment in 1860.

Date picture taken


The photo below is dated to 1868. In it the path to the chapel is broad and looks paved, but in the photo above it is just a narrow track, so I think the photo above was taken earlier.

Cemetery and Happy Valley Racecourse, Hong Kong, by Klaus