Resettlement housing ca 1968

This photograph was taken by my father-in-law, Dr Geoffrey Young, of what appears to be early refugee resettlement housing. It has not been edited in any way apart from cropping. My wife Patricia and I know that Geoffrey was in Hong Kong while we were engaged in 1968.

Can anyone identify the location?

Date picture taken
1968 (year is approximate)


The huts in the dip were turned into Hong Ning Road Recreation ground. The school at the back is the CCC Kei Chi secondary school with Shui Ning Street immediately in front.

The camera was probably placed somewhere on Hong Ning Road which can be seen at the extreme bottom of the frame (or at least the pavement) and we are looking east, more or less.

You can see Shui Ning House under various stages of construction on the left. Block A was already complete (nearest white building on the left with large window apertures) and the occupational permit issued in December 1967. Block B (to the right) is nearing completion, covered in scaffolding at the back, and Block C has only just started construction in the front. The occupational permits for these later blocks was issued in May 1969, so even a generous assumption of the latest date possible precludes the 1970s. I think 1968 is a pretty good guess.