1930s jack bottomley in hk volunteer defence force uniform

Date picture taken


This is my Grandpa Jack Bottomley in his HK Volunteer Defence Corps uniform. Not sure exactly when this photo was taken but probably in the 1930s. Jack arrived in Hong Kong in 1924 but not sure what year he joined the Volunteers. He had certainly joined them by 1932, as when my father David Bottomley was born in November of that year Jack was at Volunteer Camp in Fan Ling, so his wife Mildred had to walk to the Victoria Hospital on Barker Road by herself whilst in labour.

Sergeant John Hubert Bottomley was appointed Second Lieutenant in the HKVDC with effect from 21 August 1929.

Hong Kong Government Gazette No. 439 dated 29 August 1929 refers. 

(It appears he would have joined the HKVDC prior to his new appointment date. No information in the Gazette on further appointments thereafter.)

Thank you for this information on John Hubert Bottomley. He later became a Major. During the Battle for Hong Kong he was promoted to Lieutenant Colonel, but when HK surrendered 18 days later he had to revert to Major because field promotions did not become substantive until 21 days later.