1977 - 34 POW's signed special RAF Escaping Society Cover

1977 - 34 POW's signed special RAF Escaping Society Cover

  • Location : It was sold on July 24, 2019, at Chaucer Auctions in Folkestone, United Kingdom, but its location has been uncertain since that time.
  • Signatures include Olga Heather Franklin, D Howell, W Devlin, Col M E E Truscott, Col E M Dyson, H E Copsley, FC Lalls, W J Holland, H M Bates, W A Butler, Bill Spreadbury, H Wallwork, W Bewler, A E Roebuck, F G Pacey, W A Butler, W Devlin, H M Bates, H E Copsley, F C Lalls, G Stanford, Mick Sturges, C Wording. On back has W T G Bevan, Robin Hurst, R Parkins, John Campbell, J Digman, W L Timson, H Lilley, Robin Hood, Mick Skinner, Ryle Glenn, David Darling and more.


Other references :

1944 - Prisoner of War handmade Christmas Card to POW Camp 'N'

  • Location : Hong Kong Museum of Medical Sciences (donated by me)
  • Signatures include  Olga Heather Franklin, Gwynydd Marjorie Griffith, Iris Amy Lilian Rollin.

1945 - Secret Embroidery from Stanley Internment Camp

  • Location : Institute of Naval Medicine in the UK (donated by Miss Olga H. Franklin)
  • Signatures include Olga Heather Franklin, Gwynydd Marjorie Griffith, Iris Amy Lilian Rollin, Hilda Alice Selwyn-Clarke and more.
Date picture taken
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