CE Warren & Co Advert 1940

Date picture taken


This is the best presented piece of publicity for C.E. Warren & Co. that I've seen. Many thanks, Paulo. Do you know which publication it appeared in? I see there is reference to an article "Executed by Warren's" in the same publication. Perhaps that is the one uploaded by IDJ some time ago. The company moved to the St. George's Building in about 1938. Under the management of my uncle, Leslie Warren (1900-1943), they seem to have been handling large contracts both in Hong Kong and elsewhere. The China Directory lists the other staff as J. Russell, J.G. D’Aquino, P.M. Xavier, C. M. Quinn and C.M. Santos. Could someone enlighten me as to what R.B.L. stands for?

Thanks David. I thought the R might be for “Rural”. I wasn’t sure about the “B”.

CE Warren & Co Ltd had advertisements in many journals, directories and books etc, the one I posted was from Hong Kong and South China Builder September 1940 for a new two storey bunglow on Cameron Road, I cannot share the article on Gwulo as it has certain restrictions due to copyright, however I can share the source and you can go online to review.

Digital Depository @HKUL

The University of Hong Kong libraries. Special collection features a magazine collection digitised copies of Hong Kong & South China Builder, Far East Architect & Builder & Far East Builder from the years 1938 to 1971, excellent for research.

CE Warren & Co Ltd feature in many of the magazines above and have many projects executed and published.

The advert below is from HKL Archives extracted from a booklet dated 1920 which puts the address as 30-32 Des Voeux road.

CE Warren & Co Ltd Advert 1920 (HKL Archives Booklet), by Paulo