the band of the Stanley Internment Camp

Date picture taken


The men in the photo above look to be wearing military uniform, so I don't think it was taken in Stanley Camp as that was where the civilians were interned.

The building in the background looks like Jubilee Buildings in the British Army's Sham Shui Po Barracks, so I think that is where the photo was taken. Here's another view of that area for comparison:

1930s Sham Shui Po Barracks Parade Ground, by eternal1966e

Daer David, 

I think you are right. The photo should be taken in Sham Shui Po.

Since the photo was captured from an online video from Apple daily. The video is an introduction to the Japanese occupation period in Hong Kong. 

These men may be a member of the silver band in the Sham Shui Po camp during 1942-1945.  But I can't prove whether it is really a camp band because I have never seen other photos about camp band in Stanley nor Sham Shui Po. 

Best regards, 
