1956-10-10 garden bakery destroyed

Not very far from intersection of boundary-tai po-nathan in "double 10" 1956-10-10 riot. On the right was the Garden bakery at  58  castle peak rd (yenchow st junction). Left was the Golden gate bread shop at 17 castle peak rd

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Date picture taken
10 Oct 1956


This is the Garden bakery building, at Castle Peak Road and Yen Chow St., not at Boundary/Nathan/Tai Po.

There were barb wire fences and soldiers stationed at B/N/TP too during the 56 riots but it was quite peaceful and quiet after the soldiers had moved in.  I, as a 4 y.o., even ventured out onto the street there during the curfew and was pretend-chased down by a soldier.

My mistake. Probably because there were two Golden gate bread shops around there. According to 1956 年香港年鑑, One was at 6 tai po road. Second one at 17 castle peak rd (camp st junction). Th shop on the left in the picture here is 17 castle peak rd. The building on the right is Garden bakery at 58 castle peak (yenchow junction) which was destroyed in the 1956 10-10 riot but rebuilt and still exists at the same spot today.

I think the building was only damaged, not destroyed. The condition shown in the photo was about as bad as it got. Once the soldiers moved in, no more damage could be done.