Looking out from our balcony, Pak Sui Yuen 百粹苑

View from the second floor of the Hong Kong Polytechnic University's visiting professor / student accommodation, Pak Sui Yuen 百粹苑 (now the site of Hotel Icon) on Science Museum Road 科學館道, Tsim Sha Tsui East 尖東.

In the background is, on left, the Chinachem Golden Plaza 華懋廣場 (with cinema) and, on right, the New Mandarin Centre 新文華中心, with the "delightful" Club BBoss.

Yes, that's me as a fresh-faced undergraduate, studying a second year of graphic design on the first exchange programme between Coventry University and the Hong Kong Polytechnic University. And that is my Minolta ciné camera, as I was very into retro photography!

Source: This image came from Flickr, see https://flickr.com/photo.gne?id=8425827337

Date picture taken
27 Apr 2001