Apple Daily interview with David Bellis, 2021

Sat, 06/26/2021 - 11:14
Date picture taken


Well-written article covering your site!  I am impressed by the clarity of the Chinese characters.

Below my Ki Kilung Street flat, there was a small mama & papa shop selling candies, small toys and kites,  and the grandfather sitting at the front all day as their helper.  Before closing, the young man set up his bed as the shop was all the space the family with children had.  At the back was a printing shop.  From their inventory of tiny metallic  character bits, they set up in the right pattern to print black and colour, some gold colour.  They were very small "fonts" and I always wonder how they could print with just the right amount of ink and not too much to smear.  That was the 1950s.  Regards,  Peter