Stolzenfels or Tjibatoe

Date picture taken
30 Nov 1902


Tjibatoe was the residence of the manager of the Java China Japan Lijn , the Dutch shipping company with headquarters  in Hong Kong, later known as  Royal Interocean Lines.

The JCJL bought the mansion in 1902 when the shipping company started to operate. It remained the manager’s residence until the war, when it was destroyed in a bombing raid. Prior to Tjibatoe, it was called  Stolzenfels, which suggests it had been German owned.

Tjibatoe is the name of a river in the Preanger highlands on Java. All JCJL ships were named after rivers in those highlands. 

JCJL managers living in Tjibatoe were Ph.J.Roosegaarde Bisschop (1902-1913) ,P.H.J.G. Jonckheer (1914-1919) and G.Otten (1920-?)