22. Damage to the Sugar Refinery

Date picture taken
23 Sep 1874
Shows event(s)



This view exhibits one of the largest manufactories in Hong Kong,—the Sugar Refinery at East Point. This spot is considered most sheltered from Typhoons. The Refinery chimney, 120 feet high,—the tallest in the Colony, was blown down ; falling across the wall in front; and the roof was also damaged. The Distillery, which is near, was more fortunate, the chimney being left standing; but a portion of the roof was destroyed.

Here's a map of the area from 1889, so about 15 years after the photo was taken:

1889 East Point, by Admin

I think the photographer was standing at A, looking in the direction of the arrow, with the sugar refinery at B.

The 1889 map shows "Distillery" marked at position C, but in the 1874 photo above it looks as though the distillery was at location D.