The centenary stamps were designed locally and intended for release in October 1940. But due to delays, the stamps were finally issued in February 1941. The four cent stamp shows a liner and junk in the harbour. Given the significant events of 1941, some say the liner depicted was the "Empress of Japan". Not able to verify this claim.
Date picture taken
26 Feb 1941
Designed by a local artist for the purpose of celebrating Hongkong’s Centenary, some millions of stamps will leave England in October for the Colony.
The stamps depict the progress made by Hongkong during its 100 years as a British Crown Colony.
The designs are: 2-cents; vertical, sepia with orange centre; Hongkong street scene. (1,500,000).
4-cents; horizontal, magenta with bright purple centre; liner and junk. (1,000,000).
5-cents; horizontal, standard green with black centre; the University. (4,800,000).
15-cents; horizontal, standard red with black centre; view of Hongkong harbour. (1,600,000).
25-cents; vertical, standard blue with sienna centre; Hongkong Bank and Des Voeux Road, Central. (720,000).
$1; horizontal, orange with bright ultra-marine centre; China Clipper and sea plane. (480,000).”
Source: Hong Kong Daily Press, page 6, 10th August 1940