Postcard Hong Kong: Views from the Peak, ca. 1947

Charles Gesner van der Voort (1916-1991) had started his career in Rotterdam, at Holland-China Trading Company (HCHC). In 1938, he went to Shanghai for the firm. The Japanese interned him, and most other Dutch nationals, from 1943-45. In camp, he met his wife Nancy and they married after the war. After a leave in The Netherlands, they returned to the Orient, where Charles continued to work for HCHC in Hong Kong.

This postcard was found in the company archives, held by Stadsarchief Rotterdam. It shows a view from the Peak and has serial number 437.

HCHC had its offices in Alexandra Building.

1256   N.V. Internationale Crediet- en Handelsvereniging Rotterdam/C.V. en N.V. Wm H. Muller & Co. (Internatio-Muller N.V.) 1479 Foto's Holland China Trading Co in Sjanghai en Hong Kong.

courtesy Stadsarchief Rotterdam, <a href="" rel="noreferrer nofollow"></a&gt;

Source: This image came from Flickr, see

Date picture taken