1955 KaiTak.jpg

Date picture taken


Greetings!  In 1955, the Good Hope School, then called Good Hope Anglo-Chinese School, opened at its current location. Construction of the school required levelling the site and stabilizing the back slope which are evident in this photo. I had the fortune to attend its P5-P6 (~1959).  Besides the greenery and tranquility of its surrounding, the panoramic view from the school was unsurpassed. Just behind the primary building, the land had also been levelled making it ideal for this boy to explore (after class of course).  A few years later, they built the secondary school on it.  Just past the school on Jat’s Incline, a small sign was nailed to a tree forbidding (the public) entry. One time, I saw two army trucks full of soldiers going further up. Regards, Peter