Ruin of 17 Magazine Gap Road

Date picture taken


If the buildings on Magazine Gap Road were not renumbered, probably this photo was taken at No. 17 instead of No. 5.

As shown in the attached figures (source of maps: Hkmaps), when viewed from No. 5, along the blue lines, the Peak Tram terminus would be on the east of Alexandra House. It would appear in similar direction as St. John’s Cathedral (tower) and HSBC (SW corner).

Meanwhile, when viewed from No. 17, along the red line, the terminus would be on the west of Alexandra House. The other three landmarks would appear in similar direction along the line of sight, which matches better with the photo.

So it’s more likely that the photo was taken at No. 17 (present-day numbering scheme) instead of No. 5.



MagazineGapRoad5and17.jpg, by TN Kwok

Hi philk, 

Thank you for the information. Interesting comparison of the balustrades and very useful photos!

A panorama in that blog was also taken at No. 17 Magazine Gap Road (MaGR 17). I double-confirmed this by locating some of the landmarks:


[1]: Connaught Centre (present Jardine House)

[2]: Mandarin Oriental HK

[3a]: HSBC (top of the northern office building)

[3b]: HSBC (SW corner)

[4]: Garden Road multi-storey carpark, can be used to locate the tower of SJC.

[5]: Alexandra Building (in construction)

[6]: Zoological and Botanical Gardens

[7]: 56-58 MacDonnell Road


MagazineGapRd_5and17_comaprison.png, by TN Kwok

Although the peak tram terminus was blocked by No. 2B Bowen Road as viewed from MaGR 17, the relative positions of SJC tower, Alexandra Building and HSBC (SW corner and northern office building) could still be used for comparison with that post-war photo, showing that the latter was indeed taken at MaGR 17. Thank you.


I have changed the link to 17 Magazine Gap Road as per the above comment. No 5 did not have the retaining wall for the base that runs back towards the Life logo in the photo. Both No 11 and No 17 had this.