Just a quick observation. By 1931, the Praya East Reclamation Scheme would have been completed. The photo may have been taken earlier, so guessing early 1920s.
That was the date on the photo, so it's bound to be wrong ,
others in the set are between 1927 and 1932,
here, the reclamations are in progress, and I believe that the photographer is standing on newly reclaimed land.
Nice Picture
Just a quick observation. By 1931, the Praya East Reclamation Scheme would have been completed. The photo may have been taken earlier, so guessing early 1920s.
the Date?
That was the date on the photo, so it's bound to be wrong
others in the set are between 1927 and 1932,
here, the reclamations are in progress, and I believe that the photographer is standing on newly reclaimed land.