Peak Tram Hong Kong 1971.jpg

Date picture taken


Hello.  You would be right about the date of the Photo of the Peak Tram and Wanchai.  I started coming to Hong Kong in early 1970 with the Australian Navy.  I do have a lot of photos that I have taken, but a lot of my photos are Tourist Slides that I have scanned into my computer and a lot I have downloaded off the Internet.  I believe that the Peak Tram photo is downloaded off the Internet.  Sailors back in my day (Mid 60's until Mid 80's) tended to spend a lot of their time in Bars and not taking photos.  I was one of the few that had a small 35 mm camera and actually used it occassionly.  I had a super 8 movie camera at one stage, but left it in a Bar.  I am currently making a photo book of all my photos before they all fade too much.  In that regard, I am on the lookout for photos of that period  (mid 60's to mid 80's) that I can use in my photobook (with originators permission of course).  If you have photos of the Inside and outside of the Blue Sky Bar (Wanchai) that would be great.  Thankyou for your comments.