Cinema advertising boards 1954

Text on Flickr:

East meets west. Beat The Devil was released in 1954. Directed by John Huston. It starred Humphrey Bogart, Jennifer Jones and Gina Lollobrigida. I don't know what the Chinese film is!

I wonder why the advertising board is used by two cinemas which are not too close together.

Source: This image came from Flickr, see

Date picture taken
1 Dec 1954


Greetings, Klaus.  It was likely that the two cinemas were operated by the same people, or the wall owner was renting out the space.  As for the Chinese film title, it is a drama about a caring father and his obedient son.  The title was meant to read from right to left which is more poetic, with the adjective after the noun.  The name of the theatre and address on this ad also read from right to left.  Reading the movie title from left to right (adjective before noun) has the same meaning but sounds less formal...... my take from learning the language decades ago.  Regards,  Peter  

I noted the air raid shelter(s) next to the advertising boards. Perhaps the air raid shelters at the beginning of Queen's Road East in Wanchai near Victoria Barracks.The Rialto was close to the shelters.

A search of the Chinese film on the Hong Kong Film Archive search engine: 

English version

Chinese version

Full of famous Cantonese actors and actresses of the 1950s.  The information shows the film first showed on 11th November 1954.



Loving father, faithful son
語別 Dialogue in Cantonese ;
物料詳情 sound, b&w.
年代 Contemporary.
片種 Melodrama (Wenyi) (Genre)
公映日期 11. 11. 1954.
製作地區 Hong Kong.
製作人 Director, Tso Kea.


Screenwriter, Lee Lin (joint pseudonym of Lee Hang and Lo Dun) ; Producer, Chan Man ; Photographer, Wong Shek-lam ; Music, Cao Tian ; Art Director, Lee Wah ; Film Editor, Choi Cheong.

演員 Ng Cho Fan (as Tang Hong), Lee Ching (as Wah-ching), Cheung Wood Yau (as Wah-chung), Pak Yin (as Lee Fun), Lai Cheuk Cheuk, Mui Yee.
出品公司 Hong Kong : Sun Luen Film Company, 1954.
其他機構 Hong Kong [Filming] : Wanli Film Studio [Filming], 1954 [Release].
片名 Loving father, faithful son
拼音 Fu ci zi xiao
內容簡介 Old doctor Tang Hong is devoted to serving the fishing folks. His elder son Wah-chung follows suit but younger son Wah-ching is discontented with the simple country life. Meanwhile, the father toils away to raise funds for the establishment of a hospital. Nurse Lee Fun moves Wah-ching into endorsing his father's endeavour and devoting his efforts to achieve a common mission.
製作機構 Sun Luen Film Company, production.


Wanli Film Studio, filming.


Lee Lin, screenwriter.

館藏物料 Videocassette. 1 videocassette (VHS) (100 min.) : sd., b&w ; 1/2 in. Dialogue in Cantonese ; no subtitle. VV568.


Handbill. 美國三藩市 : 世界戲院. 1 p. loose leaf : b&w, single sided ; 36 x 22 cm. Included《情燄》,《不要離開我》and《一代名花》advertisements. HB1471 (c.1-c.10).


Film Programme. 12 p. ; 18 x 13 cm. Included synopsis,《父母心》,《杜鵑魂》and《愛》advertisements. PR205.


Still. 7 styles (7 stills) : b&w ; 25 x 30 cm. PH3003.

翻譯自 父慈子孝. 父慈子孝
台前幕後 Tso Kea, 1916-1997/1/17, director.


Chan, Man (director, producer), producer.


Wong, Shek-lam, photographer.


Cao Tian, 1921/4/20-1994, music.


Lee, Wah (art of the 30-60's), art director.


Choi, Cheong, ?-2007/9/10, film editor.


Ng Cho Fan, 1911/7/4-1993/2/22 cast.


Lee Ching (actor of the 30-70's), 1912-2000/7/14, cast.


Cheung Wood Yau, 1910-1985/12/10, cast.


Pak Yin, 1920-1987/5/6, cast.


Lai Cheuk Cheuk, 1905/5/22-1990/5/15 cast.


Mui Yee, 1923-1966/8/17, cast.

典藏 索取號 部冊號 館藏現況
錄影帶 (VHS) VV568 (c.1) c.1 可供閱覽
劇照 PH3003   可供閱覽
錄影帶 (VHS) VV568 (c.2) c.2 可供閱覽
特刊 PR205X Access Copy 可供閱覽
宣傳單張 HB1471X Access Copy 可供閱覽


Greetings, and yes breskvar, the former theatre Empire was called 璇宮.  This Chinese name did not pop up during my internet search.  Your question prompted me to take a closer look at the photos I posted on the State Theatre (formerly Empire) page.  On the second photo, you can see on the right side of the photo a vertical sign 皇都 for the State Theatre.  On the third photo for Empire Theatre, there is a Chinese sign on the roof top but almost impossible to verify it is 璇宮 due to the same background colour.  Another hint is further down, under the letter R it appears to read 宮.

I traced back to my downloading of the Empire photo and noted the source labels it using the successor's named.  I guess the former Chinese name has quietly faded away. 

I will add the Chinese name to the former theatre.  Thanks for your sharp eyes and excellent question.  Regards,  Peter

"I guess the former Chinese name has quietly faded away."

No it did not, OldTimer.  I went past the joint over the weekend and found that the building right next to the theatre, fronting King's Road, was called Empire Apartments with the Chinese name 璇宮大廈.  So the former Chinese name lives on with the former English name right next door.

In another photo ( this building is the pink one on the right hand side.


Empire Apartments.jpg, by breskvar