Inhabitants of the Berlin Mission orphanage

Some of the children in the photo are western, would they have been at the orphanage with Chinese children in the 1900s? I would like to think the Church/Colonial administration encouraged people of all races to live in harmony but....

Date picture taken


This picture shows the orphans and sisters and the cook at the Orphanage Bethesda which was run by the Berlin Ladies Missionary Society for China - not Basel Mission.
The Picture was taken by Missionary Hager (London Missionary Society, LMS) on 9th of July 1895 on the staircase left to the Chapel of the Orphanage Bethesda.
The persons I could identify so far are:
left corner below:
Sister Mathilde Grotefend; on her lap: baby Theophil Gottschalk, her godson.
Next to her is A Zhoi, the nanny of the Gottschalk family.
Standing next to them:
Theophil´s sisters Irene and Lydia Gottschalk.
standing to the left between the columns: A Lung.
He served as cook at the orphanage. He married A Zhoi in 1885. Their child Kwei Yan was born in 1893. Sister Anna Gottschalk was the child´s godmother.
Standing to the right is Sister Lydia Borbein.
Sitting on the stairs to the right is Sister Anna Gottschalk with her son Paul.
Anna Gottschalk, nèe Schneebeli, was the wife of Richard Gottschalk, the director of Bethesda.