
This image previously appeared in Terry Bennett's "History of Photography in China: Chinese Photographers 1844-1879", published by Bernard Quaritch in 2013, with the caption:

Fig. 6.40. Anonymous. ‘The Portraits of the old boss Lai Chuk Tin [Lai Fong] and his wife Ho Shi. Respectively Painted by Companions at

Sheng Gang [Hong Kong], A. Fong Photographer, inscribed by Ming Chu’ (captioned in Chinese characters), 1880s. Two enlarged hand-tinted

photographs mounted in one frame (70 x 110 cm). Courtesy of the Hong Kong Mantra School for Lay Buddhists, Hong Kong.

See http://gwulo.com/node/31857 for more information. 

It is reproduced here with the permission of the author and publisher.

Date picture taken