
Date picture taken
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Hello everyone,

This photo reveals some interesting information for myself. The CLCY village.

Near the bottom left. It has a rowhouse  partly contained by a wall boundary, few trees nearby: the Bayan was the biggest one. Actually there is an unseen rowhouse, one that my family once lived in, right behind the first one.

The gauva plantation,which is visually hidden by the roll-off of the landscape, was in front of the part of the wall facing the reader.

The whale bone of the CLCY village was resting at the irrigation pond by the far end of the wall boundary. Not all the Houses on the CLCY village were in the picture for probably not yet being built at that time.

And looks like the mysterious fruit tree was also in the photo too. One can see the huge trunk and its healthy high reaching crown of foliage.

Many gigantic rocks apppeared are so the same as we saw in the old days.

The airspace over the right border of the picture is the airway for the low flying passing aeroplane even before the CC NDB era.

Oh, so nice to see the early days of my village.

And the Bay was full of mariner population!! From here many launch their month-long fishing expedition in group to the South China Sea, a historical fishing ground for them.

Based on the trees and the absence of houses I remember, this picture seems to be likely of 1920s or even earlier....

So rare & nice!!

Thanks Heaven>



Hi Folk,

Compared with the details and forests area of the aerial photo taken in winter of 1924, this photo must be older than the 1940s.

It is possible the CC island was not even a British colony, and likely in the 1900s by that time CC was newly included. There were missionary societies from Europe and North America began to set up mission station . 

Different time periods will show the changes of land, housings, forests and even path ways and roads. In particular the CLCY village I had been familiar of was not yet as forest-like as in my memory.

I think the photo maybe taken as early as 1870s,  and somehow it went to mix up with other photos.

