Numbered Police Stations

A great summary of the old numbered police stations from Richard.

Source: This image came from Flickr, see

Date picture taken


A great collage. Perhaps the location of No. 9 can be moved a little towards the west along Caine Road.


In the original collage, the building at the yellow arrow, is on I.L. 150, at the junction of Shelley Street and Caine Road. It’s painted yellow in the photos below.


Although various sources, including those affiliated to HKP (OffBeat), only mention Shelley Street as the location, in HK Gov Gazette (1897) No. 9 Police Station should be on I.L. 1405, at the junction of Peel Street and Caine Road.

no9 police station peelst cainerd, by TN Kwok

Purple: Caine Road

Green: Peel Street

Blue: Shelley Street


Red: I.L. 1405, No. 9 Police Station 

Yellow: I.L. 150