Au Tau police station

anyone able to work out where this is exactly?

Source: This image came from Flickr, see

Date picture taken


I initially thought it was just a reference to Tai O, but the landscape is completely wrong (AFAIK). Back to the drawing board, sorry...

However,  found this reference in the AMO Brief Info doc (in reference to a nearby building called Kong Ha Wai):

As the police station at Au Tau was destroyed during the Japanese
Occupation, Kong Ha Wai became a temporary police station until 1953 when the new police station was founded.

okay, I've had a bit of a looksee and I believe that this police station was located at the foot of Ho Hok Shan (on the right). This would put the station somewhere around where the Tung Wah Group of Hospitals CY Ma Memorial College now stands. Just a guess.

The sum of HKD10,000 was included in the PWD estimates for the year 1899 to fund this edifice.

It was offered for sale on the 19.12 1940,realization unknown.

More details in HK Annual Reports.

Hi there,

Based on the photo, I believe the actual site might  be a bit beyond the present day school perimeter.  Remember the piece of land fenced off right next to it while we went past it during our outing to Ho Hok Shan last time?

Best Regards,